Bike (Travel) Bags

With borders opened and MANY overseas cycling events and opportunities picking up.  We have a strong lineup for those who want to travel with their bikes.

For the 16-inch trifold enthusiasts, our  EV1919 is light ( only 5kg in weight) and fits the tri-folds of today.

For the rest of the 20 – 22 inch folding bikes – the Fyrlrt ( yes it’s a mouthful) is your first choice.  Comes with the necessary inner linings to protect all contents in the bag, the weight of the travel bag is only 9kg.

For those who have the Tern BYB series, we have the Airporter Slim designed for BYB at S$450.

Finally, for those with full-sized bikes, the XXF full bike bag is the way to go.  Weighing in at 11kg and with most bikes at the sub9kg level. You need not buy additional baggage allowance. 🙂